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• Applied Virtualization Technology, Sean Campbell and Michael Jeronimo

Applied Virtualization Technology
Applied Virtualization Technology
Sean Campbell and Michael Jeronimo
Год выпуска: 2006
Изд-во: Intel Press
ISBN: 0-9764832-3-8
Переплёт: мягкий
252 страниц
Цена: 215.00 грн.
Есть в наличии - дата отправки: 28 января
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Внедрение технологии виртуализации.

Maximize virtualization technology for your business

Server and desktop virtualization is one of the more significant technologies to impact computing in the last few years, promising the benefits of infrastructure consolidation, lower costs, increased security, ease of management, and greater employee productivity.

Using virtualization technology, one computer system can operate as multiple ?virtual? systems. The convergence of affordable, powerful platforms and robust scalable virtualization solutions is spurring many technologists to examine the broad range of uses for virtualization. In addition, a set of processor and I/O enhancements to Intel server and client platforms, known as Intel? Virtualization Technology (Intel? VT), can further improve the performance and robustness of current software virtualization solutions.

This book takes a user-centered view and describes virtualization usage models for IT professionals, software developers, and software quality assurance staff. The book helps you plan the introduction of virtualization solutions into your environment and thereby reap the benefits of this emerging technology.

Highlights Include:

The challenges of current virtualization solutions
In-depth examination of three software-based virtualization products
Usage models that enable greater IT agility and cost savings
Usage models for enhancing software development and QA environments
Maximizing utilization and increasing flexibility of computing resources
Reaping the security benefits of computer virtualization
Distribution and deployment strategies for virtualization solutions

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